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The days of your life are like pages in a book. Many chapters are victorious. Some are not. And eventually you run out of pages. We all do. Along the way, people come and go, and life changes. Hard times are a guarantee. In fact, it has been said that we are all coming out of a trial, heading into a trial, or smack in the middle of one. But this much will always be true.


Every story needs a hero.


You know, that Person who sweeps in and saves the day – no matter how difficult the story. Someone who is guaranteed to rescue you. The One who will give your story a happy ending, no matter what you’ve been through.


In the story of our lives, that Hero – the only Hero who can save us – is Jesus Christ. Fully God and fully man.


You might struggle with God. You might not think of Him as someone who saves, but rather as someone who condemns. You might ask: “Why would a good God send someone to hell?” The truth is God doesn’t send people to hell. He sent Jesus to die on the cross to save us from hell. 


God is not the reason for the bad times. He is the rescue. Remember that.


Here’s the catch. Having this Hero in your story is up to you. Only you can accept His free rescue, the gift of salvation.


Imagine this. Earth has been overtaken by a swirl of hot lava. You’re trapped in a small boat, inches above raging molten fire. And suddenly it occurs to you: This is it. You won’t make it out alive. You are about to go down in flames. 


Then you look around and see every person on earth is fighting for their lives atop the burning sea of flames. We’re all in the same boat. Everyone is about to die.


Suddenly from the heavens all around you, life ropes are dropped. People who grab hold are saved, whisked from certain death to a beautiful place just out of sight.


And you realize something.


No one’s being forced to grab hold of the rope. Some people turn away from it or roll their eyes in disbelief. Others mock the rope in sarcasm or engage in angry debate about its existence. But a few – here and there – actually take hold of the rope.


Those people are saved.


Now it’s your turn. What will you do?


Grab on to the Hero’s life rope, and spend eternity in love and light and joy? Or let the moment pass by.


Maybe this is your chance. Maybe you were seen today so you can grab the rope.  Jesus stands with open arms waiting for you to simply choose Him. He isn’t calling you to a religion. He’s calling you to a relationship. As long as you are alive, He has great plans for you. He knit you together and knows you by name. 


He wants to be your Wonderful Counselor, your Mighty God, your Everlasting Father, and your Prince of Peace. See, Jesus died on a cross that long ago Friday. Good Friday. He paid the price for sin. Your sin, my sin. The sin of every person who ever lived or will live.


Adding the Hero to your story works like this. Simply turn away from your old life and take hold of Jesus. That’s called repenting. It just means turn around. Then tell Him you’re sorry for every wrong thing you’ve done and ask Him to forgive you. Make a decision to stop running your own life and ask Him to run it instead. Ask Him to be your Savior.


How do you talk to God? You just talk. He already knows you, your thoughts, your dreams and heartaches. All of it. Talking to him is called prayer. Prayers don’t have to be formal or official, memorized or eloquent. Prayer is just you sharing your heart with Him. He’s listening – He’s the perfect, Everlasting Father. He cares about your problems because He’s the Wonderful Counselor. He stands ready to hear you anytime, anywhere.


How does God talk to you? Through the living Word of God. The Bible. Start with Matthew in the New Testament and keep reading. Underline what speaks to you; write notes in the margins. And get a Bible Promise book or app. That way you can look up Bible verses based on whatever you’re going through today.


You will absolutely find peace and help.


Finally, locate a Bible-believing church where you can grow in your faith and be surrounded by other people looking to follow Jesus. Maybe Google “Christian Church near me.” Church isn’t a place for perfect people. It’s a place for people who know they need a Savior. People who love Jesus and want to make a difference in their community.


People like you.





For more information on salvation and the choice to make Jesus the hero of your story by grabbing onto that life rope, CLICK HERE.



If you’d like to get a Bible, CLICK HERE. Include your name and mailing address in the email.

We will send you a free New Testament Bible!



If you aren't sure if God is real or that Jesus came to earth as a baby that first Christmas morning, that He lived a sinless life, and that He died on the cross to save you – watch the film, Case for Christ. It is based on the true story of Lee Strobel, an atheistic journalist. The film includes a great deal of historical data, verifying and proving the existence of the Savior Jesus. There is also a book by the same name,

if you’d like more detail.



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